Saturday, December 10

pin me

I'll be honest with you. I first jumped on the Pinterest train when it was a brand new and very unheard of thing, but I thought it wouldn't get off the ground. And now it's practically become the ground that the Interweb stands on. At least the parts with good design sense and phenomenal taste. 

I adore Pinterest and the ease of its dainty little "Pin It" button on my browser's Bookmarks Toolbar. It's become like an external segment of my brain, acting as a personal catalog for photography inspiration, recipes, event and styling ideas, crafts, reminders, and all around beautiful things that would normally remain lost forever in my over-clogged Google Reader. 

And it's added new vocabulary to our everyday verbiage, which would otherwise sound fairly stupid. For example, here's a pin from each of my boards:

Max Wanger
Wisteria Wallpaper by Jocelyn Warner
homemade piano
Doug Keyes: double exposure (Statue of Liberty, New York
Crafty craft time
crystal bullet necklace: $310
Soviet Owl
backless sequined black dress
lace back wedding gown
watermelon and strawberry vodka fresh berry mojitos
whole grain pumpkin pancakes
Shawarma lamb w/ couscous salad
pearl barley & puy lentil salad w/ roasted heirloom baby tomatoes, green bans & baby radish
ombre pink rainbow layer cake
really hope they're besties in real life
simple wreath

I have 19 boards and counting right now (too many?). How about you? Let's see 'em!


jackie said...

the backs of those dresses? my god. and umm, i find mila kunis attractive. is that acceptable?

also, i have a problem. i may or may not have signed up for pinterest on my work computer, so now my real laptop doesn't have that fancy pin button. what.the.crap.

Unknown said...

fabulous blog!

I have to say, pinterest is something all of us bloggers have in common. its so addicting!

I'll have to check out your boards..



Katie said...

arright. that's it, i'm jumping in.

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