Friday, November 5

{ emme in Israel }

Middle sister is in ISRAEL right now, coming home tomorrow! I'm soup jel [Emme's own abbreviation of 'super jealous'] of her and her adventures in Jesus' old stomping ground. We've only gotten a few emails from her, but after reading them, I've realized two things: 
  • She is going to come back a changed woman.
  • She is possibly one of the funniest people I know (see quotes below).

Oh look...there she is!
Quotes from her Israeli emails:

  • "And tmrw night we're taking a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee! I'm gonna try to waltz across the water."
  • "But before that we're going to Capernaum and then having lunch, which is going to be fish...While I'm not much of a fish fan, I figure I'd try some considering they're the spawn of the fish that Peter and the others caught."
  • "Coolest part so far was the boat ride we took this evening on the Sea of Galilee. It was even cooler 'cause as we were walking onto the boat, out of nowhere it started to pour...HEYO just like the story of when Jesus and his peeps were sailing on the same sea!"
  • "We proceeded to Mt. Carmel, where I took a panoramic pic of the Valley of Armageddon a.k.a. 'the spot of the end of the world.'"
  • "We also stopped by some more ruins of a town, where there were trees that are thought to be the source of the branches used to make the crown of thorns. I wanted to steal a branch, buuut that's kind of against the law."


Allie said...

Wowzas! I miss that girl.

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