Thursday, March 29

great things

A friend (hey Adam!) suggested that it's about time I start to highlight some great things in life on the blog. And I couldn't agree more. Things were getting a bit heavy around here.

I went on a vacation last week.
Hint: There was sun. And Blenders.
Santa Barbara.
And it did not disappoint.

View from my parents' street. Can't handle it.  

Lots of beach times.

Saw the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games...still reading the third book.

Gots to document the blue sky. Wouldn't want to forget what you look like.

 Yeeeeeeeeeee I'm in Santa Barbara!

Having a pet for a week is the perfect amount of time. Especially when it's Jack Jacks.

Sister time in the sun with these two hotties.
Coffee date with Mom at SB RoCo.

Had a delightful breakfast with my pretend little brother (Hi Jordan!) at Savoy
They have a magic kitchen.

 The always gorgeous Santa Barbara Cemetery.

Visited my grandparents' beautiful grave with my mama.
And I have yet to unpack. 
Sorry not sorry.


Robyn said...

great indeed-love the street where your parents live

casey said...

I love SB, looks like you had a gorgeous trip, and lots of sun!!! {No judgment on the still-packed suitcase...}

adamken47 said...

Thanks for the shout out. Dang skippy that's dope.

I'm glad you switched gears with this one. It's always nice to reassess the joyful things in life. SB looks like lots of fun! I'm glad you had a nice and sunny time down there.

It's funny that you express your joy through pictures and you express your disappointments with words. I guess it's not that funny. And I'm sure you can do both, but I find a strong contrast between this post and your past few.

Anyhoos, super blog.

cjacks said...

You may have enjoyed Santa Barbara but, Santa Barbara enjoyed you more. (Especially that cjacks guy).

ika said...

You should make two lists or is that four? Of pluses and minuses of here and there and come baaaacckk. Glad we had some sun to share. I agree with cjacks!

a day with kate said...

the view from your parent's street is simply gorgeous!! then again, I suppose most of SB is. so glad you had a fun week in the sunshine!!

Hayley Oa said...

you missed a lunch date???

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos Madeline! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!!

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