Saturday, January 7

things I stopped myself from tweeting

Do any of you who use social media regularly (in other words...all of you) ever find yourselves phrasing things in your head to create the perfect status/tweet/blog title/caption? #guilty
And I mostly hate it. Other times I find it hilarious, but at the same time I am so glad God gave me enough shame to withhold from posting the majority of it. 
I don't know why anyone follows me on Twitter. Let alone "favorites" anything I say. But to the girl following me whom I don't know, who regularly stars 90% of what I say, you made my week. Here are some tweets that—by the grace of God—I didn't release to the Twitter masses. Instead, I'm just posting them on my blog. You know, the one that you're reading right now on the World Wide Interweb.
  • I yelled at myself for talking to myself today. And then I realized what I had done.
  • Did you know they sell pregnancy tests at the dollar store?
  • Haven't left the house yet today. Hey 6:00 PM.
  • Praying for my girl @KatyPerry right now! (Might still tweet that one.)
  • #lastFridaynight: Bikram yoga & a movie at the $3 theater in pajamas. In other news, guess who's turning 26 next week?!
  • FOOTLOOSE IS ON DVD FEBRUARY 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Third men's sweater purchased this season. A boyfriend would save me so much money right now.
  • Trader Joe's: always good for free coffee and a free bathroom in a pinch.
  • Boys and girls can be friends. But men and women can't. Or is it vice versa?
  • Dear @AllenStone and @KrisOrlowski, Please sing Happy Birthday to me when I come see you on January 14th. Even thought my birthday is the 13th. Thanks guys!
 Maybe I'll quit Twitter one day. 
Anyway, speaking of little birds (twitter, tweeting...tweet tweet...?), how cute is my kind-of-cousin Zoe?!


lauren jean allece said...

Unabashedly guilty not only of concocting the almost-tweets, but also of a few things you listed (the men's sweater thing in particular - actually wearing a men's button down right now which I bought for myself).

And amen to TJ's coffee samples. It makes shopping so much happier.

ika said...

Love how you are unabashedly not afraid to throw out the birthday that's coming around the corner. Make sure you celebrate with lots of "clicky" camera photos!

adamken47 said...

Really, these tweets aren't that shameful. I think ruining "Take Shelter", a movie that I really want to see, may be moreso. I really really like the one about yelling at yourself for talking to yourself.

jackie said...

ha tweet away. you're hilarious. especially #lastfridaynight. i need a little more you in my tweet tweet twitter feed s'il vous plait.

emme said...

instead you text me these... hahaha

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