Saturday, October 1

home = paradise

Somehow I ended up in Santa Barbara on a work trip this week. I know. #spoiled
Somehow I didn't bring my camera. #whatwasIthinking
Lucky for both you and me, Matt Wier is a genius with his lens. 

This is where I was born and raised, you guys! Could it be any more gorgeous?! 
Santa Barbara, meet the Interweb. 
Interweb, meet Santa Barbara. 
You may fall in love now.

It is a perfect 73ยบ outside. 
I had breakfast at a cupcakery with one of my best friends. 
Last night I saw more of my favorite people from home than I can count. 
I reminisced about Italy (EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO!) with this girlAnd wine was involved.
I had In-N-Out with this guy
And somehow managed to spend a decent amount of time on both my old high school and college campuses. Which are both so different now. To the point where I got lost. 
Vacationing at home has been a treat this week. 
sAnTa BaRbArA 4 lyyyyfe!


Ahn said...


Unknown said...

wow. this place looks amazing. I am for sure adding this to my long list of places to visit.

Megan said...

i love love love SB. would make the drive up their quite frequently (im from Agoura the 101) and people from my HS either went to SB or SD or Arizona...but they ususally always ended up coming home from AZ after the first was a weird thing.

and while u are soaking up the sun, beach and mountains simultaneously..I am listening to the downpour of rain that has been occuring in Scotland for the past 48 hours straight.

i dont even know how i ended up here.

a day with kate said...

WOW. those photos are positively gorgeous!! i mean, it's almost as pretty here in pasadena. almost.

how long are you here for?? so glad you've been having a good time. cupcakes, in'n'out, friends... good stuff :)

cjacks said...

It's been so nice having you around...

Amanda Marshall said...

still as beautiful as when i left. so glad you got to go home love! did you go to our spot on miramar?!

Natalie Naomi said...

Beautiful photos! Btw, I like that you use hash tags in your posts like twitter. My mind thinks that way too but I always stop myself.

Have fun at home!

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